GitHub Badges
We love open-source projects, but sometimes it is hard to see if a project is still actively maintained or not.
Because of this, we've created the fowllowing Badges for your README files on GitHub based on box's open source project status badges but with other options to choose from:
Community based: This badge indicates that the project is still actively maintained by the community, but not necessarily by the original creator (May apply to active maintained forks too). |
Active: This badge indicates that the project is actively maintained. |
Inactive: This badge indicates that the project is not actively maintained, but that might change in the future. |
Discontinued: This badge indicates that the project is not actively maintained and will not be maintained in the future. |
Unknown: This badge indicates that there is not information about the project being maintained or not. |
Feel free to use them in your GitHub-projects without any mention (WTFPL-License).
Recommended Use in Markdown:
[![Status: Active](](
[![Status: Active](](
[![Status: Inactvie](](
[![Status: EOL](](
[![Status: Unknown](](